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Posted: 16 Jul 2017, 22:00
by saoleo2001
Dont like more play this server, all time spawn kill in BC2 vietnam.......
I am very upset with this, I start cursing the guys of so much anger that I stay and the guys still laugh at me ...... it's sad to play

sinto muito perder meu tempo neste invalido post....ja que vale tudo ...ok ....então.....nem falo nada dos hackers filhos da puta que jogam neste servidor, matam atras das pedras, te matam antes mesmo de voce aparec3r...beleza então......até mais...cada um por si....

Posted: 16 Jul 2017, 23:11
by [RC]Hunter
Not sure what you are up to with your post then ... if you dislike the server, you may stop playing on it?

In BC2 there is hardly much spawn killing going on, because its rather fast pace with all kind of changing scenarios. If you spot a bad guy camping and waiting for his kill, there is usually a way around to get him out of his camping tent, since a kill cam is active.