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Insurgency Patch February 8

Posted: 10 Feb 2017, 17:26
by [RC]Hunter
We are releasing a patch for Insurgency today that includes the addition of BattlEye anti-cheat, fixes to Ambush mode, Competitive playlist tweaks, and many more improvements and bug fixes.When we introduced BattlEye in Day of Infamy, there were many questions and concerns.

Full changelist below:

Gameplay Improvements

Added BattlEye anti-cheat to official multiplayer playlists.
Restricted areas and spawn zones now appear on the tactical map.
Reduced the amount of players required to enable multi-point mode in Ambush from 16 to 10.
Increased penetration power of UMP-45 and AKS-74u.
Added slight delay before the crawl animation starts when moving while prone. This allows the player to make slight adjustments without the weapon being lowered.

Removed Ambush and Skirmish from Competitive playlist.
Capture time increased to 25 seconds from 20.
Games will now last longer (win limit changed from 4 to 6, max rounds from 8 to 11, teams switch every 5 rounds).
Reduced the effectiveness of heavy armor against standard 9mm rounds.
Revised the costs and availability of many weapons and upgrades.
Revised class makeup.
Foregrips available to the Security Rifleman (3 supply) and Insurgent Sapper (TOZ, 1 supply).
Supply is awarded on player death in addition to touching the spawn zone.
Shotgun damage and penetration slightly increased.
Fixed error model when the Security Demolitions class has no armor.
Fixed Holographic and 1x Red Dot missing from some classes.

Visual Improvements
Updated shaders for character and viewmodel arms.
Stability and Performance Improvements
Implemented D3D9Ex which results in much lower memory usage on newer versions of Windows and improves alt+tab speed.
The theater system now only loads referenced assets to save memory.
Fixed audio cache system to properly cache metadata of streamed Ogg files. This should results in less hitching when VO lines are heard for the first time.
Player animations are no longer calculated twice per frame.

Fixed a sv_pure bypass exploit.
Fixed huge jump view punches after coming back from an alt+tab.
Fixed incorrect player models in Conquer.
Fixed exit impacts for bullet penetration.
Fixed a bunch of classes having the incorrect viewmodel hands.
Fixed the SKS having no prone transition animations in third person.
Fixed mp_maxgames cvar.
Added missing night Ambush scenarios to Tactical playlist.
Fixed achievement crash.

Map Changes
Reverted Market and Revolt Ambush layouts to previous versions due to community feedback.
Fixed restricted area exploit in Dry Canal.
Fixed ledge exploit on Market.
Fixed Drycanal_night being pitch black even with nightvision.

Modding Changes
Removed logic_ gamemode entities. The gamerules object now represents the gamemode rather than it being tied to a separate entity. Sourcemod plugins may need to be updated to reflect this change.
Raised the model precache limit.
Model and WorldGGX shaders from DOI are available to modders.
The allowed_items block in a player class will now override any team restrictions on those items.